Yoga Nidra for Stress Management (Online)

Feeling stressed? Not sleeping well? Discover how Yoga Nidra practice can help calm the anxiety and stress in your life, manage chronic pain, energize and nourish you, and relax your nervous system, allowing complete rest and recovery.  It’s one of the best cures for insomnia, and can help on a daily basis to reduce anger and frustration, increase concentration, and allow greater ability to handle problems and stress as it arises.

This gentle step by step process takes you through 5 levels of being (or koshas) which induces deep relaxation.  Easy and accessible, there is no wrong way to do it. Just lie down, close your eyes and listen as the instructor’s soothing voice guides you on a relaxing, healing journey.

"I really look foward to Yoga Nidra with Clare. Her gentle, soothing voice and perfectly-paced guided
meditations always leave me feeling deeply rested, relaxed and nourished. I’m so grateful for these

—Laura O., student, Yoga Nidra for Stress Management


Online Class
Streamed to your computer


Photo of the instructor
Clare Harlow

Clare Harlow, MSW, has been a Career and Life Coach in the area for over 20 years. Her approach is holistic and her belief is that people can discover work with a purpose that energizes them and matches their personality, talents and lifestyle. Clare encourages her clients to take charge of their lives, get clear on what they really want, and believe in themselves so they feel empowered to follow their bliss and create their own personal road map for success.  Her mantra is, “It’s Your Life, Let’s Make it Work!” With warmth and humor, she offers personal coaching and classes on Finding Work That Fits,   People Reading using the DiSC Personality Profile, and Creating the Life You Want (Vision Board and Law of Attraction). After following her own bliss, she is now leading Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation online. Her credentials include:
•    Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra Training and Certification
•    Law of Attraction 12 week training with Natalie Ledwell
•    Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 week training at UMass Medical Center
•    Level I and Level II Reiki Training with Libby Barnett
•    Qualified administrator of DiSC Personality Profile, MBTI and Strong Interest Inventory
•    Certified Life Coach, Coachville University
•    MSW, University of Connecticut