Live Viola Yoga Workshop

In some traditions it is believed that wooden musical instruments hold the emotions of every note that has ever been played on it. Moving to the viola is like the exquisite drawing of the bow across the strings. In this yoga gathering we’ll move in the same way—slow and tranquil, calm and restoring. Just the right mix of mind, body and spirit. You will leave this workshop with unique tools and techniques that can help you dissolve stress, focus on what really matters and walk in our world in a lighter, more joyful way. Yoga experience not required.


Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind & Body
310 Baker Ave, Suite 165

things to bring

Yoga mat


Photo of the instructor
John Calabria

John has been a teacher of yoga mindfulness and meditation for over two decades. In his soothing way, John reminds us of patience and the gifts that come from slowing down and noticing. He is an antidote for our fast-paced world, and writes from the heart about Mother Nature and the wonderment of being alive.