"Breathing and yoga exercises bring energy, transforming the body from matter into energy,” says Vanda Scaravelli in her book Awakening the Spine. As we navigate life’s challenges, we need tools to help find
equanimity and inner repose. In yoga, breath is a guiding intelligence that restores the flow of life force within the body by activating the energy that runs along the spine. Learn five yogic breaths and how they can be used to relieve anxiety, calm and balance the nervous system, restore energy and vitality and soothe the spirit. We then apply these breaths while practicing some gentle yoga postures. Also included are breathing techniques
that assist you in subduing moments of stress and aid in the defeat of insomnia. The workshop ends with a guided meditation/relaxation, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system to reduce stress hormones and deeply heal all systems of the body as balance is re-established. You must be able to lie on your back and on your stomach (with the support and cushioning of blankets and bolsters, if needed).